WhatsApp has been working on the voice status sharing feature for a long time. According to the news shared by WABetainfo in its blog post today, this innovation has come to the stable version. So, what are the details for the new feature? Let's take a look at the details of the news together.
According to the news of WABetainfo today, the voice status feature started to come to the stable version with the Android update. The innovation, as the name suggests, allows sharing via WhatsApp status by recording audio. These sounds are shared for up to 30 seconds. It is possible that the 30 second limit will be increased to an upper limit in the future.
WhatsApp audio status updates will be automatically deleted after 24 hours, just like normal status sharing. However, users will still have control over their sharing by deleting them beforehand, even if they deem it necessary.
In addition, the instant communication platform has recently added features such as pre-listening and stopping and continuing to record them for sending audio between chats. The fact that the platform has brought new features for these status updates recently has turned the messaging application into a social media platform to a large extent. WhatsApp is currently one of the most used communication applications in the world.