What is the benefits of Facebook Business Manager?

facebookbusiness manager

Managing social media accounts and advertisements independently of each other is challenging for digital marketing teams. Even if the time management problem is somehow solved, problems may arise in terms of advertising performance and customer communication, which are extremely sensitive issues. Facebook Business Manager comes into play at this point, ensuring that workflows related to both individual and corporate social media accounts and advertisement management can be efficiently maintained.

What is Facebook Business Manager?

Facebook Business Manager is a tool that allows individuals and businesses to manage social media platforms gathered under the umbrella of Meta and other related services from a single point. Business Manager launched in 2014, and it can be used free of charge by businesses, influencers, and other organizations that aim to appeal to an online community. There are no limiting criteria for use, such as the requirement that the business or organization has reached a certain size. Limitations only exist based on the number of accounts in certain functions, in order to prevent overdoing and unfair competition.

What Does Facebook Business Manager Do?

Meta Business Manager has 3 basic functions. These are listed as follows:

Management of existing pages on platforms within Meta Posting and tracking ads Collaborating with an agency or marketing partner for the management of virtual assets within Meta Formerly known as Facebook Business Manager, it includes many additional features besides its basic functions. For example, Pixel, one of these features, allows much higher conversion rates than published Facebook and Instagram ads. The Mobile SDK helps you learn about what kind of actions users take in your business app. By using other features within Meta Business Manager, you can perform A/B tests and learn what you need to do for better conversion and brand awareness.


What are the Business Manager Benefits?

The most important advantage of Meta Business Manager is that it saves time and labor. Both you and the other users you assign through the interface, which is extremely simple to use, can instantly access insights about your ads, mobile applications, and pages and perform the necessary optimizations. You can even work simultaneously with an agency or marketing partner through Business Manager, depending on the size of your business and the number of digital assets.

Business Manager also allows your team to keep work and private life separate. Employees do not need to be friends across platforms at Meta to access the same business assets. Pages don't need to be linked to a single employee or shared company profile as they used to. In fact, there is no need to create a hierarchy based on customer and organization.

In the early years when the potential of social media platforms was realized and used by businesses as a marketing tool, security was an important issue. However, Meta Business Manager also offers comprehensive solutions to this problem. Thanks to its security center, you can easily take precautions against risks such as account theft.

2 years ago