The period of making money on Discord begins! So how?


Discord, a messaging and community building application launched 7 years ago, is an online social networking platform with more than 300 million registered and 140 million monthly active users, with the latest data of 2020. You will now be able to earn money on Discord, which is used especially by players and users who want to socialize over the internet.


So how do we make money with Discord?

Discord is developing a subscription program for established servers. With this subscription program, content producers will be able to offer privileges in return for a premium subscription. A large portion of every fee paid will go directly to the content owner.

“Starting today, we are making Server Subscriptions available by allowing creators using Discord to monetize directly,” said Derek Lang, Discord creator product leader.

There are certain criteria for monetizing Discord

If you are producing content on Discord and want to sell your own content with the subscription system, there are criteria you must meet. First of all, you must be 18 years old or older to take advantage of the feature. In addition, your Discord account must have a clean record, and your email address and phone number must be verified. If you meet these conditions, you can use the subscription feature as a manufacturer by activating two-factor authentication.

Content producers can create one or more subscription levels, just as we saw on YouTube. In addition, producers can set their own prices for these levels they create. Unlike the much-criticised 50 percent share on the Twitch platform, Discord will only get 10 percent of the subscriptions.

Discord will deliver the monies earned from subscriptions to producers 30 days after the end of the month. In other words, the producers will not be able to receive the money they earned in January until March 1. In addition, users who want to make money with this system will need to save at least $ 100 to receive their first payment, and then earn at least $ 25 every month.

In addition to all these details, manufacturers must comply with the subscription policy. For example, in accordance with Discord policies, the monetization feature will not be turned on for servers containing +18 content, gambling, weapons and illegal substances.

2 years ago